Bouquet Making Party
Do you love flowers? Have you ever tried to make your own bouquet of flowers, but it didn’t turn out as well as you had hoped?
Then bring a vase and come learn how to make a BEAUTIFUL fresh flower bouquet at our Bouquet Making Party! All flowers, tools and training will be provided. We will also have vases available for purchase.
Each bouquet is guaranteed to have at least a dozen beautiful seasonal flowers (like dahlias and zinnias) as well as some foliage.
Bouquet making is a great skill to have so you can do your own flowers for events and give people bouquets as gifts!
Limited spots available. Tickets are non-refundable.
Do you love flowers? Have you ever tried to make your own bouquet of flowers, but it didn’t turn out as well as you had hoped?
Then bring a vase and come learn how to make a BEAUTIFUL fresh flower bouquet at our Bouquet Making Party! All flowers, tools and training will be provided. We will also have vases available for purchase.
Each bouquet is guaranteed to have at least a dozen beautiful seasonal flowers (like dahlias and zinnias) as well as some foliage.
Bouquet making is a great skill to have so you can do your own flowers for events and give people bouquets as gifts!
Limited spots available. Tickets are non-refundable.
Do you love flowers? Have you ever tried to make your own bouquet of flowers, but it didn’t turn out as well as you had hoped?
Then bring a vase and come learn how to make a BEAUTIFUL fresh flower bouquet at our Bouquet Making Party! All flowers, tools and training will be provided. We will also have vases available for purchase.
Each bouquet is guaranteed to have at least a dozen beautiful seasonal flowers (like dahlias and zinnias) as well as some foliage.
Bouquet making is a great skill to have so you can do your own flowers for events and give people bouquets as gifts!
Limited spots available. Tickets are non-refundable.